
Hammers for Hope donates $2,500 towards Operations Seconds Count

Hammers for Hope is proud to donate $2,500 towards Operations Seconds Count.

Operations Seconds Count has a goal to provide fire extinguishers and CO/smoke alarms to the elderly, non-english speaking and others who face financial challenges. The early notification of a hazard or fire from a CO/smoke alarm or the use of a fire extinguisher seconds sooner will save lives. “Seconds Do Count”. To date, 130 sets have been distributed to homebound seniors, seniors and recipients of the Redwood Empire Food Bank program in Middletown.

“The South Lake County Fire Protection District is committed to protecting Lake County residents and their homes and businesses – and we therefore deeply appreciate Hammers for Hope’s generous contribution to our Operation Seconds Count program,” says Mike Wink, Battalion Chief of South Lake County Fire Protection District. Perhaps no local volunteer organization knows the devastating effect of wild land fires better than Hammers for Hope, whose mission since the 2015 Valley Fire and later fires has been to help Lake County families who lost everything rebuild. We are proud to have them as a partner in our efforts to keep the people of Lake County safe – and in their homes.”

If you or your organization would like to donate towards these efforts, please contact the South Lake County Fire Protection District at 707.987.3089.

You are donating to : Hammers For Hope

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